You are not the label you wear.   The label on your clothing, the one you show the world on your handbag, the red bottom shoes, these are not your identity.  Right now you are thinking that you know that, but do you?

 you are not the label you wear

Tell me you do not automatically judge a person by the label they are showing off.  Companies and designers have made a career out of curating themselves into a recognizable brand and when you wear it on display to the world you are backing that label and everything they stand for.  The ironic thing is that most of the labels you wear and love, you truly don’t know anything about them or the policies, practices and moral ground they have set themselves upon.  You tend not to care because they have notoriety and you want to be seen.  This is really dangerous and something I have always had contention with in my lifelong affair with fashion.  As a woman with a deep faith I know the slippery slope the” value” of a label can bring.

When you carry that well branded handbag or a signature monogram belt or top you feel exclusive.  It is like being a part of an exclusive club or society that others are not and it gives you a sense of superiority.  This may sound harsh and judgmental but it is true.  You may think to yourself that you really just love the design and that’s your favorite designer but it just so happens that everyone loves it, people see it as influential.  Let’s face it, these names and brands are extremely over priced and to have them makes you feel part of a certain economic class whether you are or not.  You want to be seen, and seen a certain way.  In order to make that happen you display, wear and show off these names so you feel you will be automatically viewed as part of the higher class in society.  That people will give you more respect and think higher of you – I mean you are carrying a Chanel bag and everyone knows how much this cost.

you are not the label you wear

I know this is not sitting well with you and you do not agree with what I am saying because it seems so shallow and that is definitely not who you are. The root of any truth is never comfortable.   I completely understand and I am not saying you are.  I will tell you it’s not really your fault, you are conditioned by the fashion industry.  You can read about how a lot of that turns into fast fashion is actually harmful here.  To be completely transparent, I have my faults in this area too.  I also realize that unless you are educated in fashion your love of fashion is very surface, very society driven.  What is accepted, what are people wearing and loving, what is the latest trend.  I totally get it.  This is not to fault you, it is just the way it is.  I am just trying to make you see fashion in a different light, a different perspective.  Remember not that long ago shopping second hand and thrift was seen as you were of low class, poor even.  It was thought of as dirty and unacceptable.  Now, even my young adult and teen children love to go sifting through the thrift store to see what they can find.  You see, society is the driving force behind much of your fashion influence and thought process.

My desire is for you to see fashion as a way to express yourself and respect yourself.  Having a deep self respect does not put on the clothes that barely fit, the top that shows everything and the fabrics that see through to your secret world.  It just is not.  This a deeper cry to be seen, noticed, admired or envied after.  Wearing a certain label for the world to see does not make you a better person,  superior to others or fill any void you are trying to fill and feel better about.

Filling your closet with colors and items that you truly love, that make you feel happy about presenting yourself without a care to what others think is more important than what society is telling you to fill your closet with.  This is extremely difficult and quite frankly, I have noticed this tends to come with age as well.  It is hard to ask yourself every time you leave the house the question of who am I dressing for, how do I want to be viewed and make others feel.  I believe dressing well is definitely a form of good manners.  Dressing well has nothing to do with the label and branding.  Dressing well is having well fitting clothes for your size, dressing in a way that makes you and others comfortable.  I know that I want others around me to feel joy, love and kindness from me and dressing in a way that is well fitted, and inoffensive is important.  People respond to this and feel comfortable so interactions are more sincere and authentic.  Aren’t relationships more enriching in life?

you are not the label you wear

That void you may be trying to fill by buying the over priced monogrammed belt?  Will never be filled by the belt or the “notoriety” you think it is giving you.  Take it from someone in fashion, when I see that person covered in branding it tells me you are part of the large class of fashion conditioned, trend abscessed community.  The fact that you spent so much on it?  It really means to me you over spend, you will spend any amount for a label and quite frankly you could now be belt poor.  Meaning you could never afford it in the first place.  But I know I my thought process is a bit different, so don’t take my word as gold.  I just want you to think for yourself, and maybe you have decided you truly love those labels and you believe that you are not conditioned in fashion by society, then good for you.  Though I seriously doubt it, we have all been conditioned in the fashion arena – it’s the very reason I fell in love with fashion in the first place.  As with all great loves, for me is has evolved and changed over the years and the reason for this simple little blog post.  I just want to help you see fashion in a different light.

That void you may need filled that the fashion label never truly does?  The original fashion designer, the very first curator of clothes, can fill it.  Remember, you are not the label you wear – it is not your identity.  Seek after Him and you will be filled.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks the door will be opened.”  Matthew 7:7-8


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